Artist statement
Having an older sister is such an extraordinary gift, even though our relationship wasn’t always so graceful.
The vivid memory of our childhood room stayed with me, it was both our playground and a battleground. In the same light, my sister was a best friend and at many times an enemy. In various ways, we are intertwined with similarities, but it often feels like we are direct opposites, not in any way alike.
I asked my mom to describe her memory of our relationship when we were children, and she explained that we could never stay too close together, but neither too far apart. From my experience, our bond was always better after we spent time apart.
This triptych reflects on that, it depicts the layers and dualities in our relationship. The cardboard house was chosen for all three images because it symbolizes the space we always shared. It can be considered an omen to our childhood room, where we awaited our adult life.
Through these images, you will explore three stages: familiar distances, fleeing the nest and returning with full hearts.
Familiar distances: portray the feeling of being so close, but at the same time so far apart. With only one thin wall to stand in our way, even our closest was never close enough.
Fleeing the nest: the image holds space for us, while we are gone. Flying away like birds in the night sky.
Full hearts: even upon returning, we could never break the wall, but we learned to grow through it, love and evolve.